Thursday, September 17, 2009

Stone is on my side!!

okay, probably only temporarily.

For those of you unfamiliar with Stone Brewing, they are based in San Diego, california.

Their philosophy is based on 'big' flavor. Given their geography this often translates into "insanely hoppy". They are one of the SO's alltime favorite breweries.

However, this isn't to say they don't make good beer or even that they don't make chick-friendly beer. What I am saying is if you don't like really really bitter beer the Ruination IPA is not your friend.

About the only thing that Stone puts out regularly that I can drink with enjoyment is their Russain Imperial Stout, which thick, dark and slightly bitter with coffee notes.

However this month their seasonals have gone dark. The first of two September releases is a Belgian Dark. Heavy on the malt side with a big bitter chocolate flavor and citrus fruitiness in the finish, I plan to buy a lot of more of this one.

On September 21st a colloboration with Maui Brewing will be released that is currently billed as a Cholcolate Macadamia Nut Coconut Porter...and I plan on hovering around the beer store on release day for that. Experience with Stone makes me think that we'll be looking at a bitter rather than sweet chocolate flavor with this which may save it from being too busy.