Monday, June 30, 2008

North American Organic Beer Festival

July 26-27 was the Organic Brew Fest. It was an intersting event

The brewers turnout was right around 70 breweries from a wide geographic base. There were even a few from England represented. The majority were from Oregon however. There were also several ciders and one mead that turned up for the event.

In addition to the beers, the Organic Brewer's Fest also featured a number of vendors of various green products from home flooring to local produce.

However, in mayn ways I found the event really poorly organized. We went on Saturday, and the temperture was 104. I'd tell you what it was in the shade, but there wasn't any shade to speak of.

The live entertainment was also a problem for me, for the most part I found it more annoying than entertaining. Unfortunatly it was also close to half of the beer tents, so if you wanted to actually talk about the beers you were trying with those you were with you had to walk some distance to be heard.

Friday, June 27, 2008


I know we've been off for a while, and the calender isn't updated through July. I'm going to try to post July events here sometime in the next two days.

The main site is currently in the middle of a server change, so may be unrelable for a while. This shouldn't affect the blog since it is hosted seperately.

July is Oregon Craft Beer Month, so expect a LOT of big events going on in the near future.